The vision for Indian Christian Revival Mission was conceived on 29th December 1972, when the Holy Spirit gave a revelation to God’s servant R. John Elangovan about the forth coming revival. He was a 23-year-old young man working as a telephone operator in the Post and Telegraph Department of The Government of India. On March 1st 1977, after mobilizing prayer for revival for five years, he resigned his job to work fulltime for the cause of revival. Thus, the foundation for ICRM was laid on 01-03-1977.
Indian Christian Revival Mission came to the city of Mysore in Karnataka as its founder John Elangovan was directed by God. He pioneered and founded the Church in 1986, which was started in a small house. As the Church started growing, it met in different rented venues for Sunday worship. In some occasions, the Church gathered under the trees as no other place was available.
On 7th December 2008, God enabled the Church to move into its own building and the same got expanded in the year 2015. John Elangovan and his wife pastored the Church until 1999, after which the pastoral responsibility was handed over to Mohan Doss. Ever since 2000, he and his wife Revivalyn Jeba have been leading the church.
Now, ICRM Central Church, Mysuru is the Organisation headquarters, missions base and training centre of Indian Christian Revival Mission.